楊家銓 醫師
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine bone spur surgerySpine micro surgery (endoscopic surgery, microsurgery, laser surgery, vertebral fracture grouting operation)Cervical, thoracic, artificial disc replacement surgeryInterventional Spine Pain (frequency heat coagulation therapy, myofascial blocking, nerve root block technique)Peripheral nerve diseases (hand and foot numbness)Bone Fractures traditional and operation and micro surgeryArtificial joint replacement surgery
澳洲Princess Alexandra H.脊椎臨床研究
- 中華民國骨科/針灸專科醫師
- 台灣微創脊椎醫學會/AO spine會員
- 前中榮骨科主治/埔榮脊椎外科主任醫師
- 本院骨科兼任主治醫師
Graduate Yang Ming Medical University
- Spine clinical research Australia Princess Alexandra H.
- Formerattending orthopedic Taichung veterans Hospital / chief of spine surgeon Puli vrteran Hospital
- ROC orthopedic / acupuncture specialist
- Member of Taiwan Spine Microsurgery Association/ AO spine Member
- Orthopedist,PCH